Project overview

The SABRE Centre is a strategic alignment of existing research and innovation activity within the Department of Architecture & Built Environment at South East Technological University (SETU). The Centre incorporates three established Research Groups (aRCH, BIMC and iBERG) which have been active for over a decade, together with individual ‘self-tasked’ research staff.

They approached us having seen the websites we designed for other research and innovation centres in SETU, most notably SEAM (South Eastern Applied Materials) and PMBRC (Pharmaceutical & Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre). They now needed a website of their own and asked if we could assist. They were a great bunch of people and pleasure to work with.

From a design perspective, they wanted something clean and fresh, in keeping with their subject matter. They came to us with their logo already designed so we didn’t have to concern ourselves with that, we just had to integrate it with the website in a seamless and sympathetic fashion.

From a technical perspective, they wanted full editability of the website after it went live so they could add new projects, upcoming events etc. With that in mind, we built the website in WordPress and gave them full training in how to add, remove and edit content. We also showed them how to add images, edit meta tags (page titles, descriptions, keywords) and other useful tips.

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