QED Accreditation Advisors

Project overview

QED Accreditation Advisors are a higher education consulting firm that provide tailored strategic advice to business school deans and executive offices across the globe. Through their unparalleled accreditation expertise, they help client business schools choose the accreditation that will benefit their school and help them achieve their aims.

We met them at a networking event in Dublin a few years ago. When the need arose to review their branding and update their website, they asked if we would assist them. We didn’t need to be asked twice as it we knew it would be an interesting project, straddling as it did the rarefied world of university campuses with the cut and thrust of business education.

Their previous branding was somewhat lacklustre. They wanted something more contemporary. The logo needed to inspire confidence in those they were seeking to target, namely the deans of business schools in Europe. It needed to sit comfortably alongside major international accreditation bodies such as AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA and EPAS.

An understanding of who you’re talking to is critical when it comes to brand strategy and design which is why we try to define it as best we can before we start. By way of example, here’s how we set the scene and summarised the typical buyer persona for QED Accreditation Advisors:

“Most international business schools are managed by an executive team, and supported by the Heads of Groups and Programme Directors. They also have an external advisory board. It is likely that you will come in contact with some or all of these groups and individuals during the course of your work and at various stages of the accreditation process.

Even in the most corporate of business schools, many of the organisational structures and underlying beliefs are rooted in academia. It is for this reason that you need to be mindful of both audiences when selecting a style of writing or tone of voice. The trick is to tread lightly and be diplomatic in your communications as you attempt to ride two horses.

On the one hand, you’re talking to captains of industry and business professionals with decades of experience in the so-called real world, university of life. On the other hand, you’re talking to career administrators, seasoned technocrats and civil servants, who though equally capable, and often more qualified, share a different perspective and view of the world.”

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