No Excuses

Project overview

Martin Byrne is a Leadership Coach. He helps clients to crystallise their goals and achieve their full potential. By defining the challenges and identifying a plan of action, he helps people to ‘get out of their own way’ and start making real progress. We met Martin at a networking event many years ago, and since then, he had always enjoyed receiving our email newsletters. So when he contacted us in 2020 and asked if we would help him with his branding and website, we were delighted to get involved.

Martin is a straight-up kind of guy, no pretences and very personable. He had a vision of where he wanted to take his business but wanted our help to create an idea around it. He loved the yellow we used on another client’s website, so we knew he wasn’t shy or conservative. Listening to him, we quickly extracted the essence of what he was politely trying to say. It’s the excuses we tell ourselves which stop us from changing and moving forward, and so NO EXCUSES was born as a brand name.

When we spoke to Martin and shared our idea for NO EXCUSES (or OX for short) and ‘Change Now’ as a tagline, he loved it and was happy to let us play around with it. The idea is that OX (zero excuses) becomes a shorthand descriptor for people who have worked with Martin to keep NO EXCUSES front of mind. A daily reminder to get out of their own way. The result was a lively dynamic brand which is disruptive and talks to people who want to make a change.

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In the client's own words

I asked Passion to help with the branding and design of my company website. Despite working remotely, they were so helpful. They guided me through the whole process and were on hand any time I had a query. Trust, patience, honesty and credibility are traits they possess in abundance. We formed an instant partnership.

Martin Byrne - No Excuses