Mincéirí Port Láirge
Apart from the new logo, the main thrust of this project was a new website. They wanted something bright and cheerful, in keeping with their colourful character and rich heritage. They also wanted something they could update themselves. With that in mind, we designed it to be warm and welcoming, easy to navigate and understand. It has been met with widespread acclaim and was officially launched by Roderic O’Gorman – the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth of Ireland.
In the client's own words
Passion for Creative designed our beautiful logo and new website in consultation with Waterford Travellers and the staff and management of Mincéirí Port Láirge. We are delighted with the finished result. When it was officially launched by Minister O’Gorman and our chairperson Mary Lou McInerney, the feedback was hugely positive. It was great to have the Passion team on board. Thank you all for time, patience and efforts.
Una Ryan - Mincéirí Port Láirge